Thursday, November 24, 2005

It's Thanksgiving--time to get fat!

This day we should be thankful that it is all right to eat until you get sleepy and then go to sleep.
"Everytime I look at something on TV, I see White folk talking about how we killed up all the Indians and now we gone give thanks," Nicey said.
She called me this morning because she is tired of Thanksgiving stuff and anyone that gets on her nerve. She doesn't care for any race--just like Archie Bunker.
She didn't have to work on Thanksgiving so she gave thanks.
"Two years ago, I couldn't sit at my desk and read the Holy Scripture. Now, I'm sitting here writing pu**y and di*k and don't nobody say a word," she said.
She couldn't find a sweet potato pie.
"I wasn't buying sweet potatoes and making crust and standin' up over a stove and all that," she said.
"If you had a husband, you would," I said.
"That MOTH$*&$*R would have a cut throat. They wouldn't set there and let you cook. They want to get in the way and go in the 'fridgerator.
If you working an eight hour gig and come home and f**k with that cooking too. My mom would get off from work and stand up for 72 hours, cookin'," Niciey said.
I concurred.
Cooking for African American families and Southerners is a big deal on Thanksgiving.
It's an all day affair starting the day before.
"You don't have to buy a whole a turkey. You can buy a turkey breast," she said she told her mother.
But the huge spreads continue, even though there aren't as many to enjoy it.
"We got to get the Swan cake flour and the Carnation milk. Husband get out the shithouse and want to help and ain't washed his hands since the 50s," Nicey said.
"Git yo' nasty ass outta here. And they want you to to su*k they d**k too," Niciey said.
Whew! Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Yeah, I Wanna Be an Old @#% Baby's Momma

Copyright 2005LJM
Being held hostage in the car after work shouting answers to questions no one asked me on the Les Brown talk show, I began to realize that there were too many parallels between the people who I know and the ones being described on the radio.
The topic was teen pregnancy.
The host and several well-heeled guests and listeners had called in to say that their children were either pregnant early in life or refusing to go along with the plan of fatherhood long after the cow was out-of-the-barn.
I appreciated their candid responses but I know for a fact that women who decide to bear a man's child out-of wedlock don't have to be teenagers to do so.
There were too many parallels between the irresponsible, wayward teen parents being described on the show and the men and women who I know today.
These men and women are in their 30s and 40s and do not seem to mind being an over-the-hill Baby's Momma or Baby's Daddy. Matter of fact, at least one cherished the idea.
This man is a professional making in excess of $50,000 a year and college educated. He was raised with traditional values, albeit on the West Coast but he knows better than to invite a woman to have a baby out-of-wedlock.
At least he should have known better than to ask me.
He said since he was in his mid-40s and childless, he figured he'd better get moving on the daddy track before it was too late. He had even gone through fertility testing and yes--he has a few swimmers.
However, he is unwilling to marry, he said, unless I became pregnant.
(I tried to believe him)
Oh so negative buddy. No out-of-wedlock kids for me because I know better. I know that even the sanctity of marriage (be it shotgun or no) will not guarantee two people happiness or be a reason to have a baby or stay together. So why complicate the issue. Either you want to marry me or you don't.
He didn't want to marry me.
What I don't understand is why would anyone want to be permanently connected through children to a person they don't want to marry?
I wouldn't want to do that at all.
Love children at the age of 40. How dumb can you be, really? Foolish love games and tragedies are overlooked when you're in your 20s as youthful indiscretions. But two 40-somethings (I am 39) unwilling to commit to a date let alone a baby is just wrong.
There aught to be licenses issued to couples wanting to have children.
Yes, childbearing should be regulated because some of us just don't know what to do with our bodies, spare time or apparently our money.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

He's Not So Nice

Well, I haven't heard from my boyfriend in a day or so. We're broken up by my standards. I wonder if the fact that he is married to and divorcing a woman who he said is dying had anything to do with his decision?
It may have been my incessant whining about doing the things I want all the time. It could have been that I am demanding and began to get pushy.
It could have been anything.
The deal breaker was that he failed to bring me a Subway Italian BMT on the cheese bread with everything and oil and vinegar and a pack of cigarettes to my job when I had to work a double. That really pissed me off.
He was too busy partying to bring me some essentials. He even had the nerve to ask for sex that day.
Damn that, I'm a virgin as far as he is concerned--never to part my legs again for him. I can become really mean when I am upset or dejected.
(In some part of my cold, dark heart, I am weeping silently)
But he has a lot of nerve not calling or even reading the damn blog that has ended up being about him lately.
(Maybe that was the problem and he just backed away)
Any suggestions on what I should do? Did I handle this the wrong way?
Maybe I should stop laughing now.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

My BF Doesn't Like My Blog

My BF doesn't like my blog. He won't speak with me about it at all. I urge him to go to the site and read and listen to some of the things that I have written but he won't. He won't assist me in any way and I am getting tired of his resistance.
Ya know, as a Chemist, he certainly acts close minded at times. He even gets upset when I am out-and-about or suggest we date other people. (He can date others but not I for some strange reason)
Well, I get the feeling all of this is about to end very soon. I'm in a Kiss-My-Grits kinda mood.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Go to Church on Sunday

Here is my newest commitment: I will attend the Church of my favor on Sunday.
I will also plan to go to Bible Study on Wednesdays whenever possible.
I really like a good sermon where the pastor is educated on the issues of the Lord. I think it could help me become less shameless (giggle) and keep a positive mental attitude throughout the week.
I am officially encouraging all who are willing to find a Church to your liking and go.
Those who have decided that Church folk are too much for them, I urge you to reconsider because no one of us is perfect. If we were perfect we would cease to exist.
So go and take your children if you have them.
The very least that could happen is that you develop insight and new perspectives on yourself and the world around you. The very most that could happen is that you become spiritually edified by the Word of the Lord.
Add your comments on how you feel about organized religion. Please keep in mind that the people who reside within in the United States are free to choose their religion.
No one in this country will force another to attend church or to love the Lord.
Have a happy Sunday.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hello to the People All Over the World...

Today is my father's birthday--Happy birthday Dad--and I would like to welcome all of the new visitors to my blog. Please enjoy your stay here, tell your friends and make as many comments as you like.

P.S. I'm still in love...

Have a good day.
Ms McCloud

Sunday, October 09, 2005

I am Shameless...

Discussing my trials and tribulations with an age old friend, we come upon the realization that I am shameless.
This is not new news to either one of us but I apparently top myself each and every time we discuss my inclination to get into devilment.
Nicey said I love to get into devilment.
We speak quite often by phone as she lives out-of-town. I have known her nearly 30 years. She has witnessed many, many scandalous situations.
"You go from zero to fool in less than 30 seconds. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better," she said one Sunday morning.
This is truthful.
"Fresh black pepper spices up my food. I like it hot," I said.
She groaned. She didn't want to hear the hideous details of my latest adventure.
And you shouldn't either.