Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Eighteen Months

"Eighteen Months" is a screenplay by Leslie Jones McCloud based on her experiences as a crime reporter in the late 1990s. The plot delves into a murder investigation in an urban setting, where a successful local figure, Toyman, is found dead. Detectives Crowe and Marrsec, known for their high success rate, lead the investigation. As the story progresses, themes of police corruption, media involvement, and community dynamics come to light. MC, a legal professional, becomes entangled in a case involving two young boys accused of the murder. The narrative weaves together elements of crime, justice, and personal struggles, offering a glimpse into the complexities of urban life and the legal system. The screenplay explores themes of integrity, social responsibility, and the blurred lines between justice and manipulation in a compelling manner. As the characters navigate through intricate relationships, ethical dilemmas, and societal expectations, the audience is taken on a journey that challenges perceptions of truth, power, and moral values within a gritty urban landscape.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Statement by the President and Mrs.Obama on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Friday, September 09, 2022

Experts agree: Everyone Needs 15 streams of Passive Income

How to earn passive, ongoing income streams using
Click on the
 links to begin
 passive income.
cost per action

Do I need passive income? 

A pat answer is no but it is nice to have income streams to fund side projects and whatnot. Honestly, there are many reasons why you might want to generate passive income. 
Perhaps you want to free up your time so that you can pursue other projects, or maybe you need extra money to help pay off debts or fund your retirement. Whatever your motivation, generating passive income can be a great way to achieve your financial goals
 One of the great things about generating passive income is that it can provide you with financial security in the event of an unexpected setback. If you suddenly find yourself out of work, or if you have an unexpected medical expense, having a stream of passive income can help cushion the blow. Another benefit of passive income is that it can help you to diversify your investments and protect yourself from potential downfalls in the stock market. By having multiple streams of income, you're less likely to suffer severe financial losses if one of your investments fades in value. 
If you're looking for ways to generate additional income, consider setting up a blog and monetizing it through affiliate marketing or advertising. With a little effort, you can start generating passive income that will help you reach your financial goals
 The answer lies in building email lists that are responsive and engaged. Getting your subscribers to rate, review, or retweet every post is an incredibly valuable activity. When you have more people engaging elsewhere on the web, more eyes on your content creates a positive ripple effect that can help attract high-paying advertisers and sponsors.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

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Web hosting services are typically the cost of owning and operating a website. Most people do not care how their hosting service is delivered to them, but some are more specific about their setup. 

Some hosting services offer "standard" Webhosting and WordPress as an application supported by the hosting platform. This article discusses the pros and cons of both types of web hosting, emphasizing WordPress.

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. It's currently powering over 60 million websites and is best known for being easy to use and intuitive. One of the most popular and easiest ways to start a blog is to use a WordPress website. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch or to improve an existing website. WordPress is free and open-source software released under the GPL

There are two types of WordPress websites: self-hosted and hosted. A self-hosted WordPress website is where you install the WordPress software on your own web server. A hosted WordPress website is where you can create a website or blog without having to install the WordPress software yourself – you simply sign up for an account with a WordPress hosting provider.

Either way, once you have a WordPress website, you can then start blogging! You can write about whatever topic you like, and share your thoughts and ideas with the world. WordPress makes it easy to add images, videos, and other media to your posts, and to format your text in interesting ways.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn how to use WordPress and start blogging. For example, the WordPress Codex is a comprehensive online manual for using WordPress, and there are lots of helpful YouTube videos.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

What is a child entrepreneur?

A child entrepreneur is a standout amongst his or her peers. They like to keep busy. Even if your child or grandchild doesn't seem like a good fit, don't worry because they are still children and children are trainable.
If you are interested in helping your child or grandchild become an entrepreneur and want to teach them what they need to know to be successful, then this article is for you. 
We have included a link that shows the importance of supporting kids in their entrepreneurial pursuits and we introduce some steps that you can take to prepare your children for the world of entrepreneurship.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

What is a lacefront wig?

Wigs are gaining in popularity Hair is a fundamental element of all beauty standards, and has been for centuries. Whatever cultural, racial or social background influences you - one thing is sure, everyone loves a good hair day. What is human hair?Free US shipping over $89. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. Humans are no different, and hair is an important part of our anatomy. But what exactly is human hair? What are its functions? And how does it grow? Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. It grows from follicles – small tubular cavities in the skin – and is protected by a layer of skin called the hair bulb. The hair bulb is where all the action happens: it’s responsible for producing new cells that form the hair shaft. The hair shaft is made up of three layers: the medulla, cortex and cuticle. The medulla is the innermost layer and is made up of air-filled cavities. The cortex is the middle layer and contains the majority of the hair’s pigment (melanin), which gives hair its colour. The cuticle is the outermost layer and acts as a protective coating. Hair has many functions, both practical and aesthetic. It helps to protect the scalp from UV rays, provides insulation against cold weather, and absorbs sweat and oil from the skin. On a more personal level, hair can be a source of pride or insecurity,
What is silicone? What is silicone? This material is found in many different items that we use every day. It is a polymer, which means that it is made up of small molecules that are linked together to form larger chains. Silicone has many benefits, including its resistance to heat and its flexibility. The difference between human and synthetic hairs There are a few key differences between human and synthetic hair that you should be aware of before making a purchase. Synthetic hair is often cheaper than human hair, but it doesn't always look as natural. In addition, synthetic hair is often less durable than human hair, meaning it may not last as long. Finally, human hair can be styled in more ways than synthetic hair, giving you more options for your look. Silicone wigs, how do they differ from synthetic wigs? If you're considering a wig made of silicone, you may be wondering how it differs from a synthetic wig. Silicone wigs are made with a type of silicone that is very thin and smooth. This makes them more comfortable to wear and gives them a more natural appearance. They are also more expensive than synthetic wigs. Buying a Human Hair Wig vs. a Synthetic Hair wig When it comes to choosing a wig, there are two main types of hair to choose from: human hair and synthetic hair. Both have their own pros and cons, so it’s important to know the difference before making your purchase. Human hair wigs are more expensive than synthetic wigs, but they also look more natural and can be styled in any way you want. Synthetic wigs are cheaper, but they don’t always look as realistic and can be difficult to style. If you’re looking for a wig that looks natural and can be styled in any way you want, then a human hair wig is the way to go. However, if you’re on a budget or don’t need a wig that looks completely realistic, then a synthetic wig may be a better option for you. Who can wear a silicone wig? Silicone wigs are a popular choice for many people because they are so realistic. If you are thinking about getting a silicone wig, you may be wondering who can wear them. The answer is anyone! Whether you are experiencing hair loss or just want to change up your look, a silicone wig can be a great option for you. Handling of and Maintenance for Synthetic and Human Hair One of the most important things you can do for your hair is to learn how to properly care for and handle it. This is especially important if you have synthetic or human hair, as these types of hair require special care in order to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips on how to handle and care for synthetic and human hair: -When shampooing synthetic or human hair, be sure to use a mild shampoo that is designed specifically for this type of hair. Avoid using shampoos that contain harsh chemicals, as these can damage the hair. -When conditioning synthetic or human hair, be sure to use a conditioner that is designed specifically for this type of hair. Avoid using conditioners that contain alcohol, as this can strip the hair of its natural moisture. -When brushing synthetic or human hair, be sure to use a brush that has soft bristles. Avoid using brushes with sharp bristles, as these can damage the hair. -When styling synthetic or human hair, be sure to use products that are designed specifically for this type of hair. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, as this can strip the hair of its natural moisture.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022