Thursday, May 18, 2006

Power 92 Morning Jump Off

Listening to WPWX Power 92.3 on the Morning Jump Off, the Chocklit Jok Trey, cast doubt on the validity of America's greatest tragedy--Sept. 11, 2001.
He said a plane crashing into the Pentagon could not have vaporized on contact. He said he looked it up and that 12 tons of steel and titanium couldn't burn up completely on jet fuel alone (although he said kerosene but I don't what comprises jet fuel).
Is this just another conspiracy theory or are these valid concerns of our braintrust?
Shout out to Trey in the morning because he stepped up and raised the bar in morning drive time hip-hop radio. Generation X has a brain and we have to use it to listen to him.
Thanks Trey!

1 comment:

C. Hedges said...

I've seen a couple of websites that discuss that theory. I bet that's why the security video of the plane hitting the Pentagon was released recently.