Tuesday, June 10, 2008

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Hunger in Ethiopia now spreading to adults

Like so many other victims of Ethiopia's hunger crisis, Usheto Beriso weighs just half of what he should. He is always cold and swaddled in a blanket. His limbs are stick-thin.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Obama criticizes McCain on economy and gas prices

During his speech,presumptive democratic nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, told the audience he plans to institute a $1,000 tax cut to 95 percent of workers in the country and eliminate income tax for low income retirees--all funded in part with the tax cuts intended for big oil.
Obama said Sen. John McCain is in favor of a $1.2 billion tax cut for Exxon Mobile.
"At a time when we're fighting two wars, when millions of Americans can't afford their medical bills or their tuition bills, when we're paying more than $4 a gallon for gas, the man who rails against government spending wants to spend $1.2 billion on a tax break for Exxon Mobil," Obama said. "That isn't just irresponsible. It's outrageous."

Obama also said he plans to institute a credit card bill of rights with a five star rating system so that consumers can rate the savings between card offers themselves.

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Obama Celebrates Win By Riding Bike

After a protracted, difficult campaign, Obama has finally won the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. So how did he celebrate? According to the Associated Press, the Senator took the weekend off and "joined family and neighbors for a bicycle ride along the shores of Lake Michigan on Sunday.

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Post-Clinch, Obama Builds Leads On McCain

In the two daily tracking polls for the general election, Gallup and Rasmussen, Barack Obama has shown significant, upward movement since he clinched the nomination on June 3rd.

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Kucinich presents 35 articles of impeachment against Bush

An Ohio Democratic lawmaker and former presidential candidate has presented articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush to Congress. Thirty-five articles were presented by Kucinich to the House of Representatives late Monday evening, airing live on CSPAN...

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Tornado in Monee, IL

The wife John McCain callously left behind.

There is another Mrs McCain who casts a ghostly shadow over the Senator’s presidential campaign. She is seldom seen and rarely written about, despite being mother to McCain’s three eldest children.She is McCain’s first wife, Carol.

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Democratic Presidential Nominee, Barack Obama, on Sen. Hillary Clinton's endorsement speech

-Read this. He will be our nation's next president...

"Hillary Clinton announced her support for our campaign today.
Senator Clinton made history over the past 16 months -- not just because she has broken barriers, but because she has inspired millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to causes like universal health care that make a difference in the lives of hardworking Americans."

"Our party and our country are stronger because of the work she has done throughout her life, and I'm a better candidate for having had the privilege of competing with her."

"Senator Clinton will be invaluable to our efforts to win in November, and I look forward to campaigning alongside her to bring this country the change it so desperately needs."

"Hillary and her supporters are joining us at an urgent moment.
It's going to require a new level of commitment from every single one of us to build a national campaign in the general election.
And we're going win this election the right way -- by growing our grassroots network of ordinary people giving only what they can afford."

"It's time for all of us to come together to take on John McCain in the general election. John McCain offers another four years of George Bush's policies, which our country simply cannot afford.
To win, we must continue building an unprecedented organization in all 50 states. And that will only happen if we all work together, side-by-side."

"Together we can do more than just win an election. Together we can change this country, and we can change the world.
And we are honored to have Hillary Clinton at our side as we do it."
