Thursday, November 03, 2011

The World's Most Powerful People: President Barack Obama #1

The World's Most Powerful People - Forbes: Regaining the title of the World’s Most Powerful Man on this year’s list is President Barack Obama.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Coin Debate vs. Jobs Act Debate: President Obama Keeps it Real!

Thank You, Mr. President! (around the 16 mark the President says what we all think)

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Weekly Address: Making Your Voice Heard on the American Jobs Act | The White House

Weekly Address: Making Your Voice Heard on the American Jobs Act | The White House

Call your legislators in the House and Senate and tell them to pass the AJA today! Jobs are on the line -- 1.9 million of them!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chicago Tribune Columnist Steve Chapman Wants Obama to Give Up - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Chicago Tribune Columnist Steve Chapman Wants Obama to Give Up - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
The Trib issued a statement saying that they endorsed Obama in 08 and continue to endorse certain Mr. Chapman said Obama should go relax on a beach somewhere and "wrestle" the cap off of a Corona instead.