Wednesday, June 04, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary To Drop Out of Presidential Race

Sen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the presidential race on Friday, ending her historic bid for the White House.

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Race Relations

Everyone seemed calm today as I went about my duties. I said, "Obama '08" to a couple of people--cautiously--because you don't know how people will react.
It was positive. I can tell those I spoke to watched or kept up with the news of the campaign.
Cool. I'm proud of us.
If you want to know why I felt I had to test the waters on it, it is because:
White folk don't never let blacks have anything good. Ifn it ain't already chewed up and spit out, used up or completely wrecked and useless to them, we usually don't get to have it.
Except this time, so thanks.
There I said it--bad grammar and all. (adds affect)
Everyone was in shock at Obama's winning the nomination.
We are all wondering, what next. What will they take from us?
There was a brief power outage in my area and I jokingly stated,
"y'all think this is because Obama won?"
Everybody laughed but it was a short staccato laughter--the type of laughter where you can tell in the back of all of our minds we said,
"naw, there would have been more people effected if they were going to get us back for the win."
That is how black people in this country (born and raised) think. We are always waiting for the other shoe to drop when it comes to success--major successes by blacks--in the main stream community.
White folk don't won't blacks lording over them. They don't want the plantation effect reversed and they don't want to discuss this part of our history.
Yes I said our. We, both black and white, share this tenuous history.
The more white qualities a black person has the more accepted he or she is by whites and certain other blacks and usually has the ability to go farther in the mainstream. Now what constitutes white qualities vary because some black folk still think the ability to read and write is a white quality.
Having a lilt to your voice, smiling, appearing happy and pleased--most of the time--is considered a white quality amongst the most urban blacks.
In the south, everyone greets each other because it's good manners so I don't know what southern blacks call acting white. I'm a so-called uppity Northern Negro--for women's rights and all.
Also considered white, is usage of the Internet for more than looking at porn and attempting or wanting to use proper grammar. Having a blog is considered acting white too.
Can't you hear some cantankerous person spitting on the floor?
If this blog post has angered you, please look at the title of my blog and grab a sense of humor on the way out.

Return of the 'Real' White People

The Democratic primary has unleashed some old forces and feelings that had largely disappeared from the public space. They were just in hibernation.

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CDC: Tomatoes eyed in salmonella cases in 9 states--including INDIANA

AP - An outbreak of salmonella food poisoning first linked to uncooked tomatoes has now been reported in nine states, U.S. health officials said Tuesday.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama makes history, clinches nomination

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, seizing a place in American history on the final day of a grueling five-month primary that forced him to battle rival Hillary Clinton to the very end.

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AP: Obama effectively clinches nomination

Barack Obama has effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates.

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Sen. Obama won the Democratic nomination!

Sen. Clinton will conceed the race tonight.

Monday, June 02, 2008

National Treasure III: Go Nic, go!

There is no escape. It's Hollywood. There will be a National Treasure 3 sequel, according to producer- director Jon Turteltaub.
"We're trying," Turteltaub says in an on-line interview set up to promote the current DVD release of National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets.

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Why Vote Democrat?

"House Democrats are introducing the New GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century to honor the bravery of our troops and the tremendous sacrifices that their families have made. The New GI Bill will repeal unfair tax burdens on military families, provide Veterans with the benefits they deserve like affordable health care, education and job training, strengthen our support for our men and women in uniform and improve benefits for our National Guard/Reservists."
--from the web site of Congressman George Miller (D-California, 7th Congressional District)

Why doesn't McCain support this bill? The G.I. Bill was in full effect when he was in the active military. Isn't his constituancy suffering? Don't they matter?

Sen. Obama cares and is backing this bill.

"That's why I've pledged to build a 21st century VA as President. It means no more red tape - it's time to give every service-member electronic copies of medical and service records upon discharge. It means no more shortfalls - we'll fully fund VA health care, and add more Vet Centers, particularly in rural areas. It means no more delays - we'll pass on-time budgets. It means no more means-testing - it's time to allow every veteran into the VA system. And it means we'll have a simple principle for veterans sleeping on our streets: zero tolerance. As President, I'll build on the work I started in the Senate and expand housing vouchers, and launch a new supportive services housing program to prevent at-risk veterans and their families from sliding into homelessness."
--from the web site of Sen. Barack Obama

What else is Barack doing?

Obama Demands VA Investigate Allegations of PTSD Misdiagnoses to Reduce Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Barack Obama sent the following letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Peake, calling on him to investigate reports that a psychologist at a Texas Veterans Affairs (VA) facility told staff members to refrain from diagnosing veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in order to reduce costs. According to today's Washington Post, the psychologist, Ms. Norma Perez, apparently emailed Teague Center staff members suggesting the alternative diagnosis to limit the number of tests required to diagnose PTSD. Since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began, thousands of service members have returned home suffering from combat-related psychological injuries like PTSD, which require much-needed treatment.